Saturday, March 21, 2015


RATING: 9/10

Okay, let me just start off by saying I HATE ZOMBIES. I really think there overdone. EVERYTHING has a zombie in it nowadays!! But, this book still managed to capture my attention. Here's what basically happened:

My heart: DO IT 

My brain: but CLICHE ZOMBIE *insert groan*

My heart: Bro.. bruh... Trust in me. Just frickin trust me.

My Brain: UGHHHHHHHHH *takes off shelf* UGHHHHHHH *takes to library counter* UGH *takes home to read*

As you can see by my rating, my heart was correct.. This time.

The books is about a young girl named Mary who lives in the only town known of that has survived the forest of hands and teeth (an actual forest filled of YOU GUESSED IT. Zombies). This book takes place AFTER the major zombie outbreak, which I thank the offer for. No one talks about the "What after?" Only the actual attack. So what happens in her little village lead by the church, is that her family and a bunch of others had been enclosed with miles and miles of metal fencing and they believed they were the only ones alive after "The Return." And because of years of isolation and never being able to even go CLOSE to the fence (unless you're a guard), there knowledge of the outside world is about the equivalent. Mary's mother becomes desperately depressed when she is told her husband has become one of the Unconsercrared (zombies) and goes too close to the fence, where she is bitten. The sisterhood then "banishes her" to the forest where the mother believes she will be reunited with her husband.

 When this happens, the sisterhood gives Mary a choice: join them or her parents. She chooses to join the sister hood. Though completely devastated that her love had spoken for her best friend, and his brother, who always had a fancy for her, doesn't even speak for her (To speak for someone is basically their way of getting engaged). 

Now the reason I like this book is because of the outsider. Oh I didn't mention this? YEAH. THE SISTERHOOD FINDS AN OUTSIDER, but she's been bitten, sooooo.... No info for them. But when she leaves, Mary finds the girls clues as to how she got here..


Then her town is breeched.

Led by the Zombie-version of the outsider. 

When the town is breeched Mary, her best friend, and both their betrothed (Yeah the brother comes back for her), oh and also her older brother, his wife, and a kid they saved. OH AND A PUPPY! That everyone? We have our group? Okay. Well let's see what happens: they've been traveling, and WHOOPSIE DAISY (I'm skipping quite a bit.. GUESS YOU'LL HAVE TO REEEEAD IT) Travis (the boy Mary looooves) breaks his leg, and the only one with medical experience: MARY! So what happens? We find out Travis always loved Mary but the problem is that his brother loves her. WELP NOT REALLY. Harry (the brother of Travis) and Cass (the best best friend of Mary) now like eachother.

Oh and just one more thing: Mary finds the ocean at the end


Okay I think that's enough before I tell you the whole story.

If you like TONS of dialogue then shun this book and never set eyes on it. Me? I don't care either way as long as it's a nice book. But the minimal dialogue could be a breaking point for some people. 

But if your not scared of reading more paragraphs than witty one-liners, then this book is really amazing! Heck I don't even LIKE zombies and I love this book. Originally I picked it up because a part of me was "Well you need a low rates book on your blog..." BUT I ENDED UP LOVING IT WHOOPS.

Anyways, thanks for reading.

~Love, Spoiler Alert

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