Friday, December 4, 2015


RATING: 7/10

Alright, so, I'm going to admit RIGHT NOW that the main reason I picked this book is because it looked like Pretty Little Liars. That and asylum books? UM. YES PLEASE. And also another thing: I've never actually watched Pretty Little Liars, but you know, maybe I would if it was like this book; which I've been told it is certainly not.

This book is about a fifteen year old girl with her family going from Georgia to [ LIST NAME OF TOWN HERE YA BIGOT ] to her dead great aunt's estate which Delia, the fifteen year old girl, now has ownership to her aunts Asylum. Because what better to give your niece in your will other than an asylum? And not only an asylum, but one you know to be haunted (this is not exactly a spoiler, due to "Dead Girls" is literally in the title). 

Things I like about this book? Well, in the first few chapters it gives you a "After the fact" little scenes. And then after "The Fact," (the fact will be revealed in the Spoilers) she gives you her favorite memories of certain characters from before the fact.

But I also got an uncorrected proof. So, I honestly have no idea if they took things out, or added things in, but I love the ending, and I love the over all affect if this book!

Now why it didn't get a 10: 
For me, it was a kind of confusing ending for a bit. And I felt like if they elaborated more instead of shoving in for the end, I want more elaboration! I want more of that happily ever after! Growl growl growl!

Though I do like this book overall, that was me being knit-picky.


**Note this blog is titled SPOILER ALERT so yes, there will be spoilers. Don't get butt-hurt and just pass by it.

Okay. So she dies. We've established that. She dead. But it is kind of cool how she dies. Okay, so she's pretty much like "Okay this place is creepy, let's play mystery gang, get a talking dog and hunt ghosts!!" So she goes off, her sweatshirt is stolen, and she hears bells and then she's accused of tying her lil sis/drama queen onto a bed WHO LATER TURNS GOTHIC.. Yeah. Creepy. Any who, she then goes and like a glow cloud (cackles softly in the background) takes over her, chokes her to death and makes it look like suicide. Of course I'm leaving a lot out, but if you want to know more, then read the book.

Okay but then she meets the ghost with bells around her wrist [Eliza], a southern belle of a lady [can't remember her name for the life of me], and a demented ghost child named Mary.

I personally love Mary. But that's for reasons that I will not be revealing unless under the court of law. 

Good luck with that, faithful readers.

Anyways so please read this book. Because trust me: it's interesting.

There's also a love interest for the main character, but it never really... You know... Happens. I guess. *dissapointmemt* ALSOSHEFIGHTSDEMONTHINGSANDSHEABAMF OKAY 


End of spoilers

Alright, so if this book sounds awesome to you, I'll be putting the reader's copy on my spot in the library, so look for it there :)

Thanks for reading today's SPOLIER ALERT! I hope you leave comment and all so I can improve. What do you want to see? What do you like?

Your official Spoiler,


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